Ad Formats
Large Rectangle

300 x 250
600 x 500(Optional, for high res. device)
File Size
150 Kb
Accepted Format


Corner Ad

Crazy Ad

Discuss Super Rectangle

418 x 318
File Size
Accepted Format
Tab Title
5 Chinese Characters
Uwants Super Rectangle

567 x 320
File Size
Accepted Format
Post Title
30 Chinese Characters
Mobile Large Rectangle

300 x 250
600 x 500(Optional, for high res. device)
File Size
Accepted Format
App Large Rectangle

300 x 250
600 x 500(Optional, for high res. device)
File Size
Accepted Format
Mobile Crazy Ad

640 x 960
828 x 1472(Optional, for 16:9 screen)
File Size
Accepted Format
App Crazy Ad

640 x 960
828 x 1472(Optional, for 16:9 screen)
File Size
Accepted Format
General Guidelines
Creative must be submitted 3 business days prior to campaign launch.
Any ad element not meeting the specifications in this policy will return for revision, which may cause a campaign delay.
Any ad element not meeting the specifications in this policy will return for revision, which may cause a campaign delay.
Advertisements must not mislead users.
Creative must include a minimum 1px border of contrasting colour to the background colour of the creative.
All creative must function uniformly on both MAC and PC formats as well as multiple browser versions of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge and Safari.
Creative must include a minimum 1px border of contrasting colour to the background colour of the creative.
All creative must function uniformly on both MAC and PC formats as well as multiple browser versions of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge and Safari.
Landing URLs
Landing URLs must work properly and resolve to a single working website. It cannot connect to an email address or a file, or result in a page with a 404 or other 4xx status code.
The length of landing URLs should not exceed 150 characters, non-standard characters and IP addresses are disallowed.
All click-through must open in a new browser window or tab and lead to a valid web page.
The length of landing URLs should not exceed 150 characters, non-standard characters and IP addresses are disallowed.
All click-through must open in a new browser window or tab and lead to a valid web page.
All tags and tracking pixels must be secure and served over SSL.
Third-Party Ad Serving
Tags must be sent in an email text attachment, not in the body of an email.
3rd Party Served Ad must be tested and approved on a case-by-case basis.
3rd Party Served Ad must be tested and approved on a case-by-case basis.
All creative assets and tags is subject to approval by Networld Technology Limited.
Networld technology Limited reserved the right to add late payment interest 5% of outstanding amount and relevant cost to the debt.
Expandable Ad Unit
The expanded ad unit will be closed automatically after 8 seconds.
Replay function of expanded unit is not allowed.
Frequency capped with 1 time per every 4 hours per user will be applied.
Replay function of expanded unit is not allowed.
Frequency capped with 1 time per every 4 hours per user will be applied.
Close Button
Close button will be generated automatically on the top right corner of expanded/floating ad unit, the top right corner (80 x 80 pixels) of the ad should be free of logos, text, or patterns to ensure legibility.
HTML5 Guidelines
Ad Dimensions
Ad Dimensions must match the placement dimensions in the page where the ad will display unless specifically defined to be responsive.
The margin and padding of HTML body must be 0.
clickTAG should be places in the .html file without minification or obfuscation.
Please refer to "clickTAG Installation Guide" for details.
Please refer to "clickTAG Installation Guide" for details.
HTML5 creative files should be provided in a ZIP-archive format which contains all files in one folder. No subfolders are supported. ZIP archives should contain one HTML file called index.html.
For executions with multiple units (e.g., expandable banner), each unit should be delivered and function, as its own independent folder with it's own index.html file.
For executions with multiple units (e.g., expandable banner), each unit should be delivered and function, as its own independent folder with it's own index.html file.
Avoid CPU intensive animation effects and consider proper use of JavaScript time controls (e.g., setInterval, setTimeout, requestAnimationFrame), animation loops, or DOM element manipulation, then optimize accordingly.
SSL Compliance
All creative assets, tracking URLs, 3rd party tags and subsequent requests must be SSL-compliant.
Richmedia Guidelines
Additional Cost
Additional cost may apply for video hosting. Contact our sales representative for details.
File Size
The maximum file size of video are 5MB.
Aspect Ratio
Both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio is accepted. Both width and the height of the video should not be greater than the height and width of banner that carries the video.
Supported MP4/H.264, maximum 30 seconds video is accepted.
Video should only be loaded when required. Preloading video is not permitted.
Autoplay on mobile devices is not allowed.
Progressive download streaming should be activated by user clicks.
Video should only be loaded when required. Preloading video is not permitted.
Autoplay on mobile devices is not allowed.
Progressive download streaming should be activated by user clicks.
Audio encoded at volume should not greater than -12db.
Sound must be user click-initiated with clear icon or appropriate text.
If the sound effect is too intrusive, publisher may require to add an alert message on the ad, to tell the ad has sound effect.
Sound must be user click-initiated with clear icon or appropriate text.
If the sound effect is too intrusive, publisher may require to add an alert message on the ad, to tell the ad has sound effect.